ANY-maze interfaces
The ANY-maze interfaces are specifically designed to connect ANY-maze to a broad range of equipment typically used in behavioural tests.
There are currently eight devices in the range, including one specifically designed to control opto-genetic lasers and another designed to interface to the 28 volt signals used by Med Associates’ popular operant conditioning chambers.

Sensing things
ANY-maze supports a wide range of inputs which can be used to:
- Detect lever presses, switch closures, nose-pokes, photo-beam breaks, rears, etc.
- Read data from ECG monitors, blood pressure sensors, gas analysers, temperature-, light-, weight- and humidity-sensors, etc.
- Record data from running wheels, including direction, speed, distance run, etc.

Control devices
ANY-maze can also control output devices such as:
- Lights, motors (perhaps to open and close doors), fans, etc.
- Optogenetic lasers – including control of frequency, duty cycle and intensity
- Pellet dispensers, liquid dippers, etc.
- Shockers – including control of shock intensity
- Speakers – to play cue tones, white noise or any sound file
- Syringe pumps – including control of direction, flow rate and volume

Putting it all together
ANY-maze procedures provide a simple but powerful way to control what’s happening during a test.
Using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, you can build procedures to detect when particular situations occur and to take some action because of them.
This might be, for example, that if the animal presses a lever when a light is on then it should be rewarded with a pellet, otherwise a foot shock should be administered – as shown on the right.

Input/Output only mode
In many operant conditioning experiments there’s no need to track the animal’s movements within the apparatus, as the only relevant interactions are through input devices, such a levers or nose-poke holes.
ANY-maze fully supports this type of experiment and we even supply a purpose built interface, which allows ANY-maze to easily control a range of popular operant conditioning equipment. We also offer a low cost I/O only licence, if this is all you want to do with the system.

Device specific features
On/off inputs
- Detect switch closures such as a lever press
- Detect photo-beam breaks, such as nose-pokes
- Detect touches, such as licks at a water bottle spout
- Detect the state of TTL inputs from other equipment
- Detect nose pokes
- Detect movements between parts of the apparatus
- Use arrays of beams to detect rearing
- Use arrays of beams to detect general activity
Rotary encoders
- Detect rotations of a running wheel
- Detect rotations of a tethered animal
- Determine number of rotations, degrees rotated, rpm and distance travelled
Signal inputs
- Read analogue signals from equipment such as ECG monitors, blood pressure sensors or gas analysers
- 12-bit resolution
- Sample at rates from 1 to 1000 samples per second
- Filter signals using high-pass, low-pass, band-pass or averaging filters
- Read weight sensors, for example to track food or liquid intake
- Read light sensors, for example to record the light levels in the apparatus before the start of a test
- Read temperature and humidity sensors, for example to monitor the ambient conditions in the apparatus
- Use the ANY-maze watchdog to alert you (via SMS) when a sensor goes outside preset limits
- Specific feature for synchronising ANY-maze with other equipment, such as electrophysiology or fiber photometry systems
- Generate TTL pulses at specific times, such as when a test starts or when the animal's position is determined
Switch outputs
- Switch almost anything on and off
- Switch lights on and off
- Open and close doors
- Retract and extend levers
- Play any frequency of tone
- Play white noise
- Play any sound file, once or repeatedly
- Control speaker volume
- Precisely control shock duration
- Control shock intensity
Food/drink dispensing
- Dispense pellets
- Detects and reports errors such as failed dispense, out of pellets, etc.
- Control liquid dippers or liquid drippers
Optogenetic lasers
- Set laser frequency
- Set duty cycle (how long the laser is on during each pulse)
- Control laser intensity
- Play ‘pulse files’ that define any sequence of pulses
Syringe pumps
- Support for over 20 pumps from manufacturers including Harvard Apparatus, KD Scientific, New Era and Stoelting
- Built in support for over 120 predefined syringes
- Manually define characteristics for unlisted syringes
- Set flow rate
- Set flow direction
- Set target volume
- Reports volume actually infused or withdrawn
- Detects and reports pump stalls
Temperature controllers
- Heat or cool devices
- Prevent test start until device is at set temperature
- Ramp temperature at a specific rate
Lighting controllers
- Control light levels
- Switch lights on or off immediately, or ramp over at a specific rate
Odour delivery
- Choose from multiple odours or no odour
- Control air flow
General Input/Output features
- Set output state before a test
- Activate outputs at any point during a test, for example dispense a pellet, play a tone or administer a shock
- Adjust outputs at any point during a test, for example, alter a speaker's volume or reduce a shock's intensity
- Read inputs continuously during a test
- Respond to inputs, e.g. take an action when a lever is pressed
- Determine a wide range of measures for each input and output